Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 18th Anniversary Fred!

I LOVE YOU!! You are my husband, my best friend, my soulmate! May we be fortunate enough to have 18 more!

happy anniversary


Noboyz said...

How sweet, and he is a lucky man to have such a wonderful partner as yourself!

and yes, may ya'll have 18+ more years together!

Love ya

Tina said...

Aww Marci... Thank you!

Leigh Ann said...

What a beautiful post:)

Love ya both!

Tina said...

AWwww.. We love you too Leigh Ann... and miss you so much!

Anonymous said...

I know I wished you a happy anniversary on the weightloss blog...can't believe I haven't been here sooner :( BUT may you have those 18 more to come :D