Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The big day gets here... and the coaches decide not to decide yet!! Poor girls are all waiting on the decision and now... they wont know until school starts. Its OK Jenna! KEEP THE FAITH!!


Noboyz said...

Go Jenna.....
"Aunt Marci" is SOOOOO proud of you as well....
you are awesome...
soccer or volleyball!!!!!! LOL

clap clap clap...

get it girl!!!!!!

Leigh Ann said...

Great Job!!! "High 5" from the Wrathers - you rock!

I know she will probably think that (above) is corny as hell - LOL - just be sure to tell her how proud we are of her!

Love you guys!

Noboyz said...

well dang it!!!!!!!!!!

That's terrible... they know these kids are anxious.....

Hang in there Jenna!

Anonymous said...

oh no..that's torture!!!! sigh...hang in there..alittle while longer :) LOL Leighann...cute post