Friday, November 7, 2008

More Leg!

I wish he would pull up his shorts and show me his thigh JUST BECAUSE...but no... only so I can share with you all that the bites are healing. Now... if we could just locate the hag and her dog. The bruising around the puncture marks are now a LOVELY shade of green. I have decided I much prefer the purple. :o)


Noboyz said...

OUCH! gosh.... I bet the hag is scared!!!! she should be... LOL
Poor Fred.....

Anonymous said...

No doubt, Marci...she's staying HOME LOL......poor Fred :( That is just AWFUL!!!!

Leigh Ann said...

UGH...that looks awful!

Kathi said...

Still looks nasty, but glad it's healing... get that witch, Tina