Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I've been TAGGED! Guess Im It...

Yes... courtesy of my blog friend Emily at http://talking-in-the-library.blogspot.com

I LOVE the fact that I have been tagged from Ireland! That's like so much cooler than being tagged here in California!

Anyway, the goal... to spread cheer around the world! Noble holiday goal I would say so I will now do my part by listing SIX things that make me happy and then tag some of my favorite blogger peeps and continue to pass it around!

Six things that make me happy:

My husband!
While there are those occasions when he is the reason I am NOT happy... he can certainly make me smile!
Now, teenagers are not KNOWN for their "parent happiness factor" but none-the-less, I get all warm and tingly when I think about them.
My friends - Most of which I wonder how they even put up with me at times!
Bailey and Lucky - My Yorkie and My bitchy Manx Cat. Poor ole' Bailey - arthritic and going blind but will still come sit next to me on the couch even when Im grumpy. And Lucky... who I swear has MY personality!
My Car - The lovely Mustang my hubby bought me for my 40th birthday! LOVE IT!!
My house - our HOME - While its not the fanciest and its not in the ritziest neighborhood... its filled with all the people and things I love most.

Now for the fun part... I tag:

LeighAnn at http://thewratherclan.blogspot.com
Marcia at http://noboys4me.blogspot.com
Brenda at http://astoreytale.blogspot.com
Hannah at http://mycrazylife-hannah.blogspot.com
Tia at www.clevergirlgoesblog.com

Good Luck Ladies! YOUR IT!!!

1 comment:

Noboyz said...

Oh girl... wait until you see my lovely tag post....
it's so original after todays events!!!!!!!!!!