Friday, February 6, 2009

Not a baby anymore...

Here... with his recruiter and his dad. The last of the paperwork before he goes to MEPS on Monday and swears in. I dont even know how to describe how I feel. I think, "thank god its not the Marines" then I think "Why cant he just stay here and play his Xbox?" and "When the hell did my little boy grow up?"

Im proud that he has a sense of direction and that even through all the crap I gave him he has held his ground... Im proud that he kept his promise to us and gave college a try... Im proud that he doesnt WANT to sit here and just play Xbox... but my heart hurts knowing that he will be leaving and it could be a long time before he comes home again.

We love you bubba... now and always... and we are so proud of the man you have become.


Anonymous said...

Awwww sweetums!!! What a range of stuff to get through ...Your son is such a great guy and I wish him great success as he moves forward :D You and Fred are wonderful parents!!! And I so feel for you...gosh, I really do !!!! It's a really hard time and I know this :) I'm here for you at anytime you need to talk..cry...scream...anything :D

Noboyz said...

Oh Tina.... I agree with Brenda, what a range of of stuff to go thru... and also emotions...
I would also be proud, and then scared at the same time....
We are proud of you Zach!

Leigh Ann said...


What a day! It is so incredible to see Fred sitting next to Zach - what incredible parents you both are - cause I know you were there cause there is a picture:)

Congrats Zach!

Damn it Zach!

Geez...its tough when they grow up!

Kathi said...

Congratulations, Zach. I can't believe the little boy I helped supervise all those years ago at Klassic Kids is all grown up. May God be with you (and your parents and sisters) during the next phase of your life...