Saturday, March 14, 2009


A basket of the most beautiful flowers with lotion and spray of a scent Fred LOVES... and a beautiful tray landscape filled with rocks and plants!! GORGEOUS!!
Thank You Brenda and Steve for my lovely Birthday gifts!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww so sweet :) I was so happy to make your bday gifts and put in the scents of love :) in your floral arrangement...I'm glad they made you smile!!! Love to you ....And your Bday Tuesday will be on my mind :)

Noboyz said...

How Beautiful!

The picture of you two hugging is priceless! True friends.... :)

I can't wait to get my hugs!

Leigh Ann said...

Meant to call Saturday Night, but couldn't stay awake till after Zach's game. Please know that Paul and I were thinking of you and we love and miss you:)

Tina said...

Aww sweetie! I know how soccer is!! ESPECIALLY IN THE RAIN!! We missed you so!