Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Really Cute Picture!

I took this of Tia and Hayden in February when Hayden came over to meet Doug and Leslie. They are too sweet!


Noboyz said...

what a precious picture!

are they a couple?

what does his shirt mean! LOL
I'm sure something GOOD!

Leigh Ann said...

Too Cute!

Anonymous said...

What a cute couple...Is Tia blushing :)

Tina said...

Marci- yes they r a couple... i have no idea what his shirt means and Yes Brenda... Tia is blushing!! LOL

Anonymous said...

look at my little tia growing up!:)
haha..pretty sure she is older than me!!:) but they are super cute, and i miss yall soo much!
love you tons!!