Thursday, July 23, 2009

A poem for Zach, From his Daddy

There is no greater joy than watching your child growing up
No greater pride than in seeing him turn into a man
No greater sorrow than in letting him go

We seemed to rush through life hurrying to get you here or there
Then try to stop time when we realize that goodbye is close

We will look at the many pictures, with love
Sort through the many keep forever items and smile
Watch the many home movies and cry

You are off to make your own path in life
To make lasting memories
To have new adventures

Just remember that YOU are OUR great adventure
Our lasting memory
And though you leave to start your new life
Know that you'll be in our hearts and thoughts
Until we see you again.

Good luck to you
Zachary Ryan
Our Boy
Our Son

Love Dad


Tina said...

I would say I was in awe... but Im not. My son gets his sensitivity from his dad. BIG hearts make great men. I am fortunate to have 2 men in my life with big hearts. I love them both!

Noboyz said...

I am so impressed.... I've only been around you for a few days... but it seems as though we have known you for a lifetime.....
what a BEAUTIFUL and inspirational poem....

you my friend, ROCK,......
even though you are from Illinois!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

:) WOW...that was so beautiful Fred!!! I'm sure Zach's head will be held high from this~

Tina...big hearts for sure!!

Leigh Ann said...

What a wonderful poem and legacy...Zach is a great person and is going to do wonderful and incredible things thanks to the two of you.
Love and Miss You,
Leigh Ann

Anonymous said...

That is what you call a life story. These are what we live through with our children and it's how we hold our memories. Zach is a wonderful young man and he is beginning his own life story. I applaud the job that you and Tina have done raising him into the man he has become.