Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 09 Events

August was filled with many "things" The highlite had to be Fred's birthday present... Zach getting HOME!! Now perhaps life can get back on track...


Leigh Ann said...

The food looks great and what a wonderful birthday present! Love and Miss Ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Amazing isn't it Tina..that this all occurred in one month...seems like a 6 month span...sure felt like it anyway

Glad you have a pic of Lucky and Bailey together at the treat cabinet..since we'll never see her in person doing that LOL

Awww good food and good friends...all were within our thoughts and talks....Love you Marci and Leighann

And Zach coming down from that walkway...Happy Birthday Fred...NO DOUBT....and a relief to end the waiting and wondering of it all

Love to the Koch Family!!

Noboyz said...


What fantastic pictures!

The food, the friends, the get together, the airport, your girls, Zach coming home..... and WHAT!????

Shit, Fred is 46!!! What an old man!!!! LOL

Love y a'll!