Friday, September 25, 2009

Spear Fishing... *sigh*

He thinks he is so damned cool! LOL
But look at the freaking SIZE of that fish! 11 freaking pounds! He gave it to Travis's dad... cuz i will NOT be cooking it.


Anonymous said...

WTG Zach!!!! A catch spear fishing...WOW...I'm surprised didn't cook it LOL...Is it because the cleaning?? Don't some fish get cooked with their skin on and placed on a platter...I think I had tilapia once that way at someones house...I was quite disturbed actually LOL

Leigh Ann said...

LOL! I would be disturbed as well...that fish is huge. Wouldn't want to see that staring back at me.

Noboyz said...

fish fry get together! LOL

go Zach!

Noboyz said...

fish fry get together!

go Zach... getting the booger girls together!