Monday, April 21, 2008

The Other Koch's...

We have two other "children"... Bailey our Yorkie... and Lucky our manx cat.


Tina said...

We think they are just so sweet!

Leigh Ann said...

Too cute, I just hate that Lucky has to stay in the Bedroom when we come over.

Tina said...

Lucky doesnt mind... she's too snooty for company anyway! Besides, we cant have cutie patootie Dailen sneezy and itchy... that would be sad. And heaven help us if an alergy attack interfered with Paul's BEER drinkin!! hahaha

Leigh Ann said...


I will let him know that you have his priorities safely guarded at your house:)

I will ask him about Saturday Night and get back with you tomorrow - I won't get home till 10tongight and I won't even know my name! I left your email so I won't forget:)

Kathi said...

How sweet are they?!!? Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat as Dailen...I'm allergic to kitties :(; I'm surprised the cat dander that's just around the house doesn't bother does me