It would be possible... in all the hubub of "Zach", to have it slip ones mind temporarily, that Zach is not the only Koch to be hitting a milestone this year.
My beautiful baby(?!?) girls, Jenna and Tia, will say farewell to middle school, only to begin their next journey... the one that takes them to High School for their next adventure.
I can only cross my fingers... close my eyes... and pray that their high school years are easier on Fred and me... than mine were on my parents. *please oh please*.
My admiration for all 3 of the Koch kids is great. They are good kids... and I am confident (when they are sleeping) that they will grow up to be smart, healty adults.
I love you Zach, Jenna and Tia!
LOL...yes, they are great kids who will be great people.
You are right, parenthood stinks for's a knock on wood and pray that all turns out well mode when they start highschool.
Hoping all our kiddo's stay happy and safe!
How are those grad invites coming?
And you weren't really that much of a pain in the butt to your parents, were you? LOL
I was ok in high school... just flipped out afterwards!!! LOL
Oh those College days!
and yes, I've had some doozy dayz with my 2 oldest...
they turned out pretty good though... only after the deamon days though... LOL
Good Luck Tina, sound like you have 3 fantastic kids!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Both of you! And... LeighAnn... to answer your question, my mom says if she KNEW today what we girls teenage years would be like - even though we all turned out to be great adults - she would NOT go thru it again.
Answer your question? LOL
You have a great family unit shows!! It's so hard being a parent....Recently, I've gone thru hard knocks with Allyson on decisions...but she reminded me about how she's been on track doing what she's suppose to do ...and has always been on track...I will keep that email forever and reread it when I feel heavy in parenting :)
When our children make decisions that affect their futures we are scared... IE KK-Mylee...
but when they step up to the plate and the mistakes turn into miracles and they turn into great adults... then it is worth it.
Let them spread their wings and learn... just clip the wings sometimes.. :)
I'm not a parent, but whole heartedly agree; it's so important to let them just BE..but obviously be there when they "fall" and guide them in the right direction
I was OK in high school..typical teenage angst; but I didn't like school and I let it show..but if I had to do all over again, I would in a heartbeat...not sure if a lot of my old teachers would feel the same...LOL
I can't wait to see your kids again, Tina
Tina I wish you gobs of sweetness and love on your Happy Mother's Day :)
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