Friday, December 5, 2008

Have a Wonderful Friday!!


Noboyz said...

Love it!!!!
Precious.... can't wait

Leigh Ann said...

The Ticker Rocks!

...hope you had a great Friday...that is a great picture:)

Tina said...

Hey girls!! I just had to put the pink high heel shoe as our tracker ticker!!! toooo funny!

Miss you LA!! Cant WAIT to see you again!!
And Marci... it will be a BLAST hanging out with you! and I want a REAL HUG! ((HUGS))

WHOOOOO Brenda!!! We will have a grand ole time!! even if we hafta play the radio loud for you. hahaha

Anonymous said...

Awww Tina very nice...I saw the ticker before this comment and COOL picture came up :) I so look forward to our trip~

BTW that COOL picture is a SMILE of birds LOL

Kathi said...

That is a cool picture; I'm kidding, of course, but I wonder if the birds did that on purpose for just us girls :D