Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Koch Family White Christmas!!

Courtesy of some "creative" friends of the kids, Im sure! We thought they stole our Santa that was in the yard... but... found him in the top of the Oleander tree a few hours later. Wish I had a picture of THAT.


Tina said...

All I can say is Im REALLY glad we got it cleaned up BEFORE the sprinkles fell!! THAT would have been a nasty mess!

Noboyz said...

OMG.... too funny!!!! I don't enjoy cleaning it up either.... but MB gets flaming mad when the kids do it.... and I giggle....

Oh, how I wish you would have taken a picture of Santa in the tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kathi said...

Yeah, that picture would have been HYSTERICAL

I'm sorry you got TP'd... that just SUCKS

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! LMAO!!! VERY funny about Santa!!!!!!!!!!!!