Monday, December 1, 2008

More bites... now scars...

It still really angers me that some woman and her OBVIOUSLY vicious dog are wandering around NOT having to be a bit accountable to the fact they permenantly damaged Freds leg!! The bite area is still completely numb and probably always will be! Its just WRONG!!


Kathi said...

I know it angers you, Tina; and it does me too (and probably everyone on the far as the numbness..I'm sure you know that nerves regenerate; it may take A LONG TIME for this to happen, if it ever does, but they do come back. After my cancer surgery (in which I have a scar on my abdomen in the shape of a "rainbow", I've got most of the sensation back - I'm still numb in a very small area, but that's it....just wanted to give you and Fred a little hope

The bites look pretty healed though

Kathi said...

And it took probably 13 years to get the sensation back (it's been 16 since the surgery)

Anonymous said...

That's awful that her and the dog are just out there...and no penalties..UGH!! Well, let Fred know that knee length can be just as sexy as upper thigh or booty cut :) hehehe