Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Kochs!


Tina said...

Not just Thanksgiving with the KOCH's... but the Tara and Paul and Harmony Becerra's, and the Tracey and Nolan Anderson's and Mom and Dad Rector~

It was nice all getting together! Im glad we are close enough to do it!

Leigh Ann said...

What a great time...it all looks wonderful! Poor Sassy:)

I am with you about Fred's leg - that is wrong.

Glad you were able to connect with an old friend - can't wait till it's me:)

Love ya!

Noboyz said...

Tina, what great family pictures...
enjoyed seeing your family and I love Fred's turkey! too cute

Anonymous said...

TIna!!!! I love Fred's turkey, the girl's crocheting, Tara's table...your wine serving..poor Sassy! I love your beautiful family pic...I love it all..AND YOU! :)