Thursday, December 25, 2008

To all our Family and Friends - We love you and are so very lucky you are part of our lives. Heres to a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and fortunate 2009!!!

Love Tina, Fred, Zach, Jenna and Tia


Leigh Ann said...

Merry Christmas to you guys, too!

We love and miss you!

Noboyz said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers to May one day closer!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tina ...I know you all are having a wonderful time celebrating with the family :) If I cold blink my eyes, I would have you go to Tenessee, with us.....I love you Tina and know how much you love Leighann and the family...just know you are there with us...just know it, ok :) you are there with me, ok!!!